wherever you go

Poppy Elizabeth

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Poppy Elizabeth Sands was born on Monday, September 8th, 2014 at 3:47am. She weighed 7 1/2 lbs and was 19 inches long.

We did make it to the hospital (I was worried about the hour drive), but we didn’t have much time to spare! We left the house at 1:30, got to the hospital around 2:30, I was in the assessment room (where they make sure you’re really in labor and decide to let you stay) at 3:00, and she was born before 4:00. Myka and Emery came to meet Poppy on Monday evening, and we came home on Tuesday. The last couple days have been filled with cuddles mostly, but also two trips back to the hospital for our follow up appointments.  I am looking forward to not making that trip quite so often!

Everyone is doing well. I think Stephen might be the most tired, poor guy. He is doing an amazing job keeping up with things around here. Packing Myka’s lunch for school, getting her on the bus, cleaning up, cooking, holding Poppy so I can rest… I am so glad he is around! I am also very grateful for friends who have stepped in and helped in so many ways. Having a supportive community not only makes life easier but makes it more fun too.

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